
Brachytherapy Patient Information Leaflet

Dear Patient,
as part of the surgical procedure, you received a Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) from your physician or the clinical facility.
On this website, Eckert & Ziegler provides you with the Patient Information Leaflet in additional available languages in the latest available version. 

Prostate Seed PIL

The Prostate Seed PIL is available in the following languages

  Language Document Valid Version
Deutsch Informationsblatt für Patienten IFU-08-012_01
Flag UK English Patient Information Leaflet IFU-08-015_01

Brain Seed PIL

The Brain Seed PIL is available in the following languages

  Language Document Valid Version
Deutsch Informationsblatt für Patienten IFU-08-017_01
Flag UK English Patient Information Leaflet IFU-08-016_02
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